
Generates random data.

GET api/NewAlphabets/{length}

Creates new alphabets of the specified length.

GET api/NewAlphanumerics/{length}

Creates new alphanumerics of the specified length.

GET api/NewBytes/hexlower/{length}

Creates a new byte sequence of the specified length, with the lowercase hexadecimal format.

GET api/NewBytes/hexupper/{length}

Creates a new byte sequence of the specified length, with the uppercase hexadecimal format.

GET api/NewBytes/base64/{length}

Creates a new byte sequence of the specified length, with the Base64 format.

GET api/NewUuid

Creates a new UUID (GUID), in particular a version 4 UUID.

GET api/NewOrderedId

Creates a new time-ordered 16-byte ID with the UUID format.
The upper 8 bytes represent ticks of date/time (by 10-7 second) and the other 8 bytes are randomly generated.

GET api/NewOrderedId/sqlserver

Creates a new time-ordered 16-byte ID with the UUID format, which is ordered for the uniqueidentifier data type of the SQL Server.
The lower 8 bytes represent ticks of date/time (by 10-7 second) and the other 8 bytes are randomly generated.

GET api/NewOrderedId2

Creates a new time-ordered 16-byte ID with the UUID format.
The upper 6 bytes represent ticks of date/time (by about 10-3 second) and the other 10 bytes are randomly generated.

GET api/NewOrderedId2/sqlserver

Creates a new time-ordered 16-byte ID with the UUID format, which is ordered for the uniqueidentifier data type of the SQL Server.
The lower 6 bytes represent ticks of date/time (by about 10-3 second) and the other 10 bytes are randomly generated.